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Optinly Lifetime Deal And Review-The Best Way To Grow Your Email List

Written by Samim Ahamed

August 13, 2022


It’s no secret that most marketers rely on email campaigns to drive leads and sales. But what if you could boost your conversion rate by up to 50% without even having to send a single email? That’s where optinly comes in. Optinly is a platform that allows you to automatically add subscribers to your email list when they visit specific pages on your website. This automatically increases the chances of your email being opened and read, as well as improving your conversion rate. Once you sign up for the optinly service, you can place optinly buttons on your site s pages that will allow people to subscribe to your email list when they visit.

MEET: optinly

Here s how it works: When a visitor comes to your site, the optinly code will detect that he or she is on a page where you have an optin button and assign him or her as a subscriber.


What is optinly?

Optinly is a tool that allows you to collect email addresses and grow your list. It’s simple to use and easy to set up. You can add an optin form to your website, or use one of Optinly’s integrations with platforms like WordPress, Shopify, or Facebook. How does optinly work? When you place an optinly button on a page, Optinly will detect that the visitor is on a page where you have an optin button and then add his or her email address as a subscriber to your list.

Optinly also works with email platforms like MailChimp, AWeber, and GetResponse to send a welcome email to new subscribers. Optinly also works with social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Optinly is a new email marketing tool that offers advanced features for creating and managing opt-in forms and subscriber lists. It includes easy-to-use tools for designing forms, setting up automated messages, and tracking results. Optinly also provides detailed reports on subscribers’ activity, including the number of opens, clicks, and conversions.

  • 75+ premium templates internet is a vast and ever-changing place, full of opportunities for businesses of all shapes and sizes. One area in which businesses can capitalize on the internet is through the use of templates. Templates can help businesses to quickly and easily create professional-looking materials such as websites, brochures, and flyers. While there are many free templates available online, premium templates offer features and designs that cannot be found in free templates. In this article, we will highlight 75 premium templates that are sure to help your business stand out from the competition. 


  • Exit-intent technology: Exit-intent technology is a new and innovative way for companies to capture leads. It is a technology that detects when a user is about to leave a website and prompts them with an offer or message designed to keep them on the site. This technology has been shown to be very effective at retaining customers and capturing leads. 


  • 6 pop-up form types: Since the dawn of the internet, people have been trying to figure out how to make money through online advertising. This process has remained unchanged for many years- you create an ad and hope that someone clicks on it. However, there is a new method of making money through online advertising- optinly. Optinly is a method of advertising that allows users to sign up for newsletters or notifications without having to provide any personal information. This system allows companies to target their ads more accurately, which in turn increases the chances of converting visitors into customers.


  • 12 email service provider integrations: Email service providers are a dime a dozen. But, the integrations between email service providers and other software can be hard to find. Here is a list of 12 email service provider integrations that might help you run your business.


  • In-depth analytics dashboard: There are many different types of analytics dashboards, and the best one for your needs depends on what you want to track. An in-depth analytics dashboard can provide you with a wealth of data to help you make informed decisions about your business.

A good in-depth analytics dashboard will allow you to track important metrics such as website visits, conversion rates, and customer engagement. It can also help you identify problem areas and track progress over time.


If you’re looking for a comprehensive way to track all aspects of your business, an in-depth analytics dashboard is a way to go. 

  • Advanced targeting: In the digital age, it is more important than ever to target your advertising efforts. Gone are the days of spraying ads out in the hopes that some will stick. With advanced targeting, you can ensure that your ads reach the right people, with the right message, at the right time.

There are a number of ways to target your ads, including:


-Demographics: Targeting by age, gender, location, or other factors

-Interests: Targeting by what people have searched for or browsed on the web

-Behaviors: Targeting by how people have behaved in the past (e.g. Spin wheel gamified pop-up 

  • Eyecatcher and pop-up launcher: We’ve all been there: you’re browsing the web, and suddenly a flashy ad pops up, blocking your view of the content you were trying to read. Then, when you try to close the ad, another window pops up, asking you to sign up for a newsletter or buy a product. These ads are known as eyecatchers, and they’re designed to get your attention by using bright colors and big text. While they can be annoying, eyecatchers are also effective at getting people to click on them.

If you’re looking for a way to avoid these intrusive ads, consider using a pop-up launcher. A pop-up launcher is a tool that allows you to open new tabs and windows without having to leave the page you’re currently viewing. 

  • Countdown timer pop-up: A countdown timer is a handy pop-up tool that can be used to remind you of an upcoming deadline or event. Countdown timers come in different shapes and sizes, and some can be customized to include your own images and text. They’re also available as free or paid downloads, or as online tools.

Another popular countdown timer is the app Countdown+ for Android devices.


Click here to learn more about Optinly features.


How much does optinly cost?

Optinly is a tool that allows users to create custom opt-in forms and popups for their website. There is a free version and a paid version of the tool. The paid version offers more features and support than the free version. Yes. Some businesses use optinly to create custom pop-ups and forms for their websites, and then sell the completed templates to other businesses as a way to generate income. 

The free version of optinly is completely free. The paid version offers more features and support than the free version. The paid version costs $59 per year, or $9.99 per month, or $29.99 per six months.


optinly Lifetime Deals On Appsumo

Optinly is the newest addition to AppSumo. It’s a lifetime deal for $59 and it’s worth every penny. Optinly allows you to create beautiful, high-converting optin forms without any design experience or coding know-how.

Get optinly for $59 with a lifetime deal available now on Appsumo: Optinly


Try optinly AppSumo Lifetime Deals today!

Get Lifetime Access to Optinly

One Time Purchase of $59.00 $300.00

  • Lifetime access to Optinly
  •  All future Growth Plan updates 
  • No codes, no stacking—just choose the plan that’s right for you 
  • You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase 
  • Ability to upgrade or downgrade between 5 license tiers
  •  GDPR compliant 
  • Previous AppSumo customers who purchased Optinly can upgrade their license to increase their feature limits 
  • 60-day money-back guarantee, no matter the reason


How To Get an Extra 10% Discount For New Users? 

  • Visit the “ optinly AppSumo Lifetime Deals” deal page.
  • Wait for some seconds, An Discount popup will appear. 
  • Enter your Email to receive the exclusive benefits. 
  • Continue with the same email id. 
  • Get a 10% discount at the end. Discount valid for new users only. 
  • 10% off your AppSumo purchases*



In conclusion, optinly is a great way to increase email subscribers and grow your business. It’s easy to use and there are a variety of templates to choose from. You can also create your own templates or use one of the many integrations that optinly has. Plus, there’s a free trial so you can try it out before you buy it. So what are you waiting for? Try optinly today!


Try optinly AppSumo Lifetime Deals today!

Get Lifetime Access to Optinly

Note: Most of these deals will be sold out within one week of their launch on AppSumo. So be sure to grab them while you can.

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